Balanstraße, München, a turn-of the century, mixed residential / shopping area. The floor of the former shop was laid out with loose rows of wax tablets. Some of the tablets were stacked in piles. The wax enclosed articles of clothing, laundry, undershirts, nightshirts and underwear. These came from second hand stores and included adult, child, and infant sizes. Small signs labelled family relationships: "Father", "Grandmother", "Niece" ...
Each tablet was labelled according to the article of clothing it contained. The tablets built associative pedigrees and a web of relationships. Stories were evoked when a "Son" was placed next to a "Father", or when a "Daughter" was placed above a "Grandchild", or when a "Mother" and a "Grandmother" were piled on top one another. Visitors moved carefully among the rows of wax tablets.
- Ausstellungsraum Balanstraße, München, Germany (1998)
ISART Gallery, München, Germany (1999)
(Selection) Opitz Collection, Bonn, Germany (2000)
- (Selection) Art Association, Friedrichshafen, Germany (2000)

Ausstellungsraum Balanstraße (Exhibition Space Balanstraße)

Ausstellung (Exhibition)

Bruder (Brother)

Nichte (Niece)

Geschwister (Siblings)

Drei Schwestern (Three sisters)

Bruder 2 (Brother 2)

Großvater (Grandfather

Mutter 2 (Mother 2)

Mutter des Vaters (Mother of the father)

Ausstellung (Exhibition)