Series of pencil drawings, partly based on photographs collected at garage sales, interpreting family bonds and social attitudes. Ongoing, since 1994.

Von links: (From the left:)

Jahrgang '67 (Class of '67)

Mutter richtete sie auf ... (Mother held her upright ...)

Gleich und Gleich (Same and same)

Geschwister (Siblings)

Wir wollen, daß du es einmal besser hat! (We want you to have it better one day!)

Anna sch”mte sich ... (Anna was embarrassed ...)

Ohne Titel (Untitled)

Famile (Family)

Das hat er von ... (Just like his ...)

Das hat er von ... (Just like his ...)

6. Klasse, Lima, Peru, 2001 (Grade 6. Lima, Peru, 2001)

1956 ?

Erziehung zum Menschen (Education to be human)

Ohne Titel (Untitled)

Menschen (Humans)