Toronto, Canada, Nogent Sur Marne and Paris, France
My project, Sophie La Rosière, seems to have a pliable, open-ended structure. It engages my collaborators in a journey of brainstorming, defining and redefining what art can be in our contemporary world. Proposing notions of what might have been in former times and how we can try to tell stories of the past - without making it up, or, conversely, forcing us to acknowledge that any memory is synthetic storytelling. How can we distinguish reality and fiction for sure, and what “for sure” means? Meanwhile the project takes on more layers and offers its malleability as an ongoing entry point for research and creation.
Iris Häussler, February 2016.
Read more and see photo galleries of the art works at the Sophie La Rosière Project website 
Partners and Collaborators:
Upcoming Exhibition for Sophie La Rosière:
- CHAPTER III Opening 09 March 2017: Daniel Faria Gallery
188 St Helens Avenue
Toronto ON, M6H 4A1
Daniel Faria Gallery 
Past Exhibitions for Sophie La Rosière:
- Scrap Metal Gallery, CHAPTER II, September 21 - December 17, 2016 Scrap Metal

- Art Gallery of Your University, CHAPTER I, 14 September - 11 December 2016, AGYU Fall 2016 Newsletter

- ArtToronto, October 28 - 31 2016, Iris Häussler at ArtToronto

- Groupe Mobile, Villa Vassileff
, Paris, February 13th - July 2, 2016. More here
- Groupe Mobile, Iris Häussler / Résidences FNAGP 30 avril au 15 mai 2016
- Villa Vassileff and Centre Pompidou: Other Gestures: Uses of Heritage #2, 13 and 14 May 2016

Sophie La Rosière media:
- 2016 - Wondereur, 27 page photo documentary, Ryan Walker, Toronto,
- Terence Dick, “Review Iris Haussler”, Akimbo, 2016 10 26 Akimbo
- Murray Whyte, “Beautiful Deceptions”. Toronto Star, 2016 10 21 The Star

- Caoimhe Morgan-Feir, “On Inventing Women Artists in a Post Truth Era, Canadian Art, 2016 10 19 Canadian Art Online Edition

- Kate Taylor, Artist Iris Haussler Weaves Together Art and Fiction in Toronto Exhibition, Globe & Mail, 2016 10 06 Globe & Mail

- Gerard Audient, The Mask Under The Face. Canadian Art Magazine, Winter 2014, p.126-129 CanadianArt
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