2017 |
Links / More Information |
Bonavista Biennale 2017
Newfoundland, Canada
Arts Encounters on the Edge
August 17th to September 17th 2017

Jed Martin - die Karte ist interessanter als das Gebiet
Kunstverein in Hamburg, Germany
April 22nd to June 18th. 2017

Joseph Wagenbach’s Dream is Iris Häussler’s Nightmare: Kunstverein in Hamburg 2017 |
2016 |
Project Sophie La Rosière
February 13th, 2016
Groupe Mobile, Villa Vassilieff, Paris
Showing: Three color print, video |
Sophie La Rosière Project Page
Exhibition page
Groupe Mobile, Villa Vassilieff |
2014/15 |
Somebody Everybody Nobody
Curated by Rui Amaral
Oct. 24th 2014 to March. 28th 2015
Scrap Metal Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Showing: Class 6b

Somebody Everybody Nobody
Scrap Metal Gallery |
2014 |
Casting the Negative
February 13 - March 22, 2014
Daniel Faria Galley, Toronto, Canada
Showing: Beeswax objects |
Casting the Negative!
Daniel Faria Gallery, Casting The Negative |
2013 |
Family Ties
January 31 - March 23, 2013 Opening
Daniel Faria Galley
Showing: drawings traced from family photographs |

Daniel Faria Gallery, Family Ties |
More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness
Curated by Elizabeth Armstrong
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, USA
Minneapolis, USA, 2013
Showing: Ellen’s Gift |
Ellen's Gift
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts |
More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness
Curated by Elizabeth Armstrong
SITE Santa Fe
Santa Fe, USA, 2012 - 2013
Showing: Ellen’s Gift
Ellen's Gift
SITE Santa Fe  |
The Museum Of the End Of The World
Curated by Janine Marchessault & Michael Prokopow
Nuit Blanche. Toronto,
Canada, 2012
Showing: Ou Topos 2012 - Abandoned Trailer Project
Ou Topos 2012 - Abandoned Trailer Project |
All Our Relations
Curated by Catherine de Zegher & Gerald McMaster
18th Biennale of Sydney, Cockatoo Island
Sydney, Australia 2012
Showing: He Dreamed Overtime |
He Dreamed Overtime
18th Biennale of Sydney  |
Thin Ice: Journeys in Polar Regions
Curated by Courtney Gilbert
Sun Valley Art Centre, Idaho, USA
Idaho, USA, 2011/12
Showing: sketches from the High Arctic |
Svalbard Sketches |
Kunstherberge Birkenau, [Art Hostel]
Curated by Christoph Nicolaus
Munich, Germany 2011
Showing: Schnee von gestern, Staub von morgen [Yesterdays Snow, Tomorrows Dust] |
Breaking and Entering
Curated by Susan Edelstein
ArtLab Visual Arts Department, University of Western Ontario,
London, Canada 2011
Showing: Works of Joseph Wagenbach |
Legacy of Joseph Wagenbach
Joseph Wagenbach Foundation 
Toronto International Art Fair 2009
Curated by Axel Jablonski
Toronto, Canada
Guest of Grita Insam Gallery, Vienna, Austria.
Showing: Works of Joseph Wagenbach |
Legacy of Joseph Wagenbach
Joseph Wagenbach Foundation  |
Zeitzonen [Timezones].
Curated by Roudolf Scheutle & Brigitte Hausmann
III. Triennial for Contemporary Art, Weingarten, Germany
Weingarten, Germany 2004/05
Showing: Therese
Therese |
City Index
Curated by Harald Kunde
KunstHaus Dresden and Hotel Martha, Dresden, Germany
Dresden, Germany 2000
Showing: Begleiterscheinungen
Begleiterscheinungen / Side Effects |
Art Goes Science
Gasteig Cultural Centre, Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany 2000
Showing: Vorsichtig Frägt die Hand nach dem Gedanken [Carefully Asks the Hand for the Thought] |
Czasowo Otwarte / Zeitweise Öffentlich [Partly Public]
Curated by Michael Kurzwelly & Thomas Kumlehn
Kommunikationsraum Frankfurt/Slubice, Marienkirche,
Slubice, Poland and Frankfurt/Oder, Germany 1999
Showing: Übergangsmantel [Transition Coat]
Vollkommen Gewöhnlich [Completely Ordinary]
Kunstverein Freiburg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg, Kunstverein Braunschweig, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kunstsammlung Gera, Germany.
Fribourg, Nuremberg, Braunschweig, Kiel and Gera, Germany 1998/99.
Showing: Die Dinge Ordnen |
Stilllehalten [Keep Still]
Curated by Christiane Meyer-Stoll & Axel Jablonski
Künstlerwerksatt Lothringerstraße, Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany 1998
Showing: Leihgaben and Xenotope |
Vollkommen Gewöhnlich [Absolutely Ordinary]
Kunstverein Freiburg, Germanic Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg
Kunstverein Braunschweig, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kunstsammlung Gera, Germany
Showing: Die Dinge Ordnen [Putting Things in Order] |
Vertrauenssache [Matter of Trust]
Curated by Annelie Pohlen
Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
Bonn, Germany 1997
Showing: Xenotope
Blind Date
Curated by Maria Lind & Susanne Gaensheimer
(with Maria Lindberg)
IASPIS, Royal Academy of Fine Arts,
Stockholm, Sweden 1997
Showing: REPLA©E |
Blind Date / REPLA©E |
Encircled Area
Curated by Hilke Möller
Municipal Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia 1996
Max-Pechstein Prize 1995
Zwickau, Germany
0,073 Ha Welt [0.073 Hectares World]
Curated by Annette Schindler
Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Swizerland
Glarus, Switzerland 1994
RENTA Prize 94
Norishalle, Nürnberg, Germany |
Leerstand Vacancy
Curated by Harald Kunde, Klara Wallner & Klaus Werner
Lessingstr. 23, Leipzig, Germany
Showing: xenotope
Ars Viva, Z.B. Skulptur, [e.g. Sculpture]
Kunstverein Hannover, Kloster Unserer Lieben Frauen Magdeburg, Schloss Schwerin, Germany
Hannover, Magdeburg, Schwerin, Germany 1994/5
Showing: Artefacts of ou topos I and II and of Pro Polis
Ars Viva |
Magia Naturalis, Münchner Künstler in Prag
[Magia Naturalis. Visiting artists from Munich in Prague]
Curated by Helmut Friedel
Prague, Czech Republic
Showing: archivio
Milano Poesia
Curated by Gianni Sassi
Spazio Ansaldo, Milano , Italy
Milano, Italy 1991
Showing: archivio |
Archivio |