Legacy Dr. Peter Gaster
The widow of Dr. Peter Gaster commissioned ASO to assess the research of her late husband,
a retired materials scientist and surface chemist.
Dr. Peter Gaster's laboratory in a private Toronto home. © Iakub Henschen (2007)
Side-view of Object 13; traces of Dr. Gaster's notes are seen on the wall. © Iakub Henschen (2007)
Object 13. A strongly exothermic chemical reaction has taken place. © Iakub Henschen (2007)
Peter Gaster has left behind about 2000 pages of notes on unpublished experiments. His "Book of Clustercombs" summarizes more
than 17 years of work, including three drafts of scientific manuscripts and novel original theorems in the field of hyperstatic clustermodels applying
comb-lattices. ASO has completed the editorial work on the first manuscript; it is currently under review for publication in 2009.
